Do I Qualify for an IVA?
Is an IVA right for me and how do I qualify?
If we advise that an IVA would be a suitable option for you to consider, we’ll ensure we provide you with all the information you need to decide whether to proceed.
In the meantime, we’ve put together some helpful information here so you can learn more about IVAs and what they involve.
What’s an IVA?
- “IVA” stands for Individual Voluntary Arrangement
- It’s a formal, legally binding agreement between you and your creditors to pay back your debts over a fixed time period
- It usually lasts for between five and six years, after which the remaining debt is written off
- Ensures you only pay back what you can afford
- Can help a wide range of people avoid bankruptcy and become debt-free
- Protects your assets
- The amount written off depends on your circumstances
Will I qualify for an IVA?
This depends on your situation. There are a few things in particular that we’d consider when looking into this option for you:
- How much you owe
- How much you can afford to pay back each month
- Whether you have any assets that you want to protect
- Where you live (IVAs aren’t available in Scotland, although a similar solution called a Trust Deed is)
Find out your options
If you want to find out whether you meet the criteria for an IVA or whether there are other debt solutions which are more suited to your circumstances, there are many ways to get in touch:
- Call us free on 0800 316 1833
- Complete our online form and see what debt solutions are available to you
- Speak to us over Live Chat