12. Further Information & contact details:

In this section, you’ll find information and contact details for organisations that can help with a range of topics from addictions to employment and pension advice.

You’ll also find links to our debt advice topics, which have useful information about your rights and the recommended next steps on topics such as bailiffs, rent arrears and County Court Judgements.

Helpful contact details

At PayPlan, we work with and signpost to other expert organisations who can help you with their expertise in topics ranging from gambling support to domestic abuse. We do this because we know that problem debt can often have a negative impact on mental health and other aspects of people’s lives and it’s important for us to work together to get you the help you need.

Find a summary of these services and contact details below. It’s worth noting that if you or your partner is employed, then you may have access to an Employee Assistance Programme. These programmes often provide access to free counselling services and maybe even legal advice. Ask your employer for more details.


Adfam – supports groups for families affected by drugs and alcohol

We are with you – free, confidential support with alcohol, drugs or mental health from one of their local services or online


Alcoholics Anonymous – holds regular group meetings and a helpline service, including for recovering addicts to support one another. Call 0800 9177 650

Al-Anon – support for people who have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Call 020 7403 0888

Drinkline – free confidential help for people concerned about their drinking or someone else’s. They can put you in touch with counselling services, but they do not offer it themselves. Call 0300 123 1110


Narcotics Anonymous – regular group meetings and a helpline service, including recovering addicts. Call 0300 999 1212

Nar-Anon – support for people who have been affected by someone else’s drug use. Call 08455 390 193

Talk to Frank – confidential and anonymous help by phone, text, email and live chat. Call 0300 123 6600 or text 82111


GamCare – help for anyone affected by problem gambling, call 0808 8020 133

National Problem Gambling Clinic – the UK’s only specialist NHS clinic for working with and treating gamblers, call on 020 7381 7722

Gamblers Anonymous – face-to-face and online meetings where people with addiction can support one another

Gam-Anon – support for people who have been affected by someone else’s gambling

Benefits and other financial support

Benefits calculator – our benefits calculator will help you to find out what benefits you can claim. Simply fill in the form to get started

Domestic Abuse

Galop – the national LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline. Call 0800 999 5428 or email help@galop.org.uk

Live Fear Free Helpline – Welsh Women’s Aid can support you in Welsh, English and any other languages. Call 0808 80 10 800

ManKind – confidential help for male victims of domestic abuse and male victims of domestic violence across the UK. Call 01823 334244

National Domestic Abuse Helpline – if you are experiencing domestic abuse, then you are not alone. Contact the freephone 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline, which is run by Refuge. Call: 0808 2000 247

Scottish Women’s Aid – Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline. Call 24/7 on 0800 027 1234

Employment and pensions

ACAS – can help with all employment rights issues. Call 0300 123 1100

Citizens Advice – offers free and impartial advice. Find your local office on the website

Gov.uk – provides general online advice about redundancy selection, consultation, redundancy pay and notice periods

Pensions advisory service – offer free and impartial guidance to people with workplace and personal pensions, call 0800 011 3797

Health – mental and physical wellbeing

Age UK – Information and advice for the elderly on anything from health to housing. Call 0800 169 2081

Alzheimer’s Society – advice, support and information about dementia. Call 0300 222 1122

Campaign against living miserably (CALM) – is leading a movement against suicide. Speak to a member of the helpline team, call 0800 58 58 58

Carers UK – advice, information and support for anyone looking after someone in a caring capacity. Call 0808 808 7777

Macmillan – practical, medical and financial support for anyone affected by cancer – and someone who’ll listen if you just want to talk. Call 0808 808 00 00

Mind – advice and support for anyone suffering from mental health issues (e.g. depression, anxiety, bi-polar, suicide ideation, schizophrenia, psychosis). Call 0300 123 3393 or text 86463

National Bereavement Service – offers help with the practical side of bereavement informing people of the actions they need to take. Call 0800 0246 121

NHS website – helps you take control of your health and wellbeing. Take a look on the website for more information or for useful medical numbers

Samaritans – for anyone who needs to talk to somebody anytime they like, in their own way, and off the record – about whatever is getting to them. They don’t have to be suicidal. Call 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org

SHOUT – the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help. Text 85258

The Trussell Trust – for foodbanks, providing emergency food and support to people in crisis. Call 01722 580180 or email foodbanknetwork@trusselltrust.org

Victim Support – helps people affected by crime or traumatic events get the support they need. Call 0808 1689 111

Debt Advice topics – useful information & your rights explained on a variety of issues that may be affecting you

Have you received an official letter that you’re not sure about or are you worried about your home & job being affected by your financial difficulties? We’ve put together useful guides and information on topics from bailiffs to rent arrears, County Court Judgements to statutory demands. Find out your rights and next steps below with our comprehensive guides.

Administration Order – if you can’t afford to pay a County Court Judgement or High Court Judgment, then this can be a way to reduce your monthly payments. Find out if you qualify for an Administration Order

Attachment of Earnings – if you’ve received an order then you’ve got 14 days to appeal. Find out what you need to do to appeal an Attachment of Earnings

Bailiffs – if you’ve received a Notice of Enforcement or have a bailiff (also known as enforcement agents) at the door then understand what powers bailiffs have

Benefits advice – you should always check to make sure you’re getting the benefits you’re entitled to, especially if you have had a change in income or circumstances.

Council tax arrears – as council tax is a priority payment, it usually must be paid but it can be reduced or written off in some circumstances. Learn more on your council tax rights

County Court Judgements – a CCJ can be issued to force you to repay your debts. Understand your options if you receive a County Court Judgement and how you can respond

Credit history and credit scoring – if you apply for a loan, your credit score is the first thing your lender will look at. Understand more about your credit score and credit history

Default notice – a default notice is a formal letter sent to you by a lender or creditor when you’re in arrears with your repayments. Find out what a default notice means for you and what you can do about them

Joint and several liability – if you take out a loan with another person, then you will both be liable. Find out what happens if one of you can’t pay and more about joint and several liability

Mortgage shortfalls – your lender can still pursue you for money if your home sells for less than the mortgage on it. Understand mortgage shortfalls and how to check if you are liable

Opening a new bank account – if you have a debt with a bank where your income is paid into, they could remove money from your account to repay the debt. Learn what to consider when opening a new bank account

Payday loans – payday loans can seem enticing, but often charge a very high rate of interest on what you borrow. Find out how payday loans work and what to expect with repayments

Rent arrears – this term is used to describe the outstanding money owed to a private landlord, housing association or local authority. Read our step-by-step guide on dealing with rent arrears

Repossession and eviction – if your home is at risk, it’s important to act fast. Understand when your mortgage lender can and can’t repossess your home by reading through the repossession and eviction process

Secured loan arrears – if you fall into arrears with a secured loan, the lender or creditor is legally allowed to sell the asset in order to get their money back. Read what your creditors can do if you fall into arrears on a secured loan

Statute Barred – when a debt becomes Statute Barred, it means it’s no longer enforceable via court action. Understand when a debt becomes Statute Barred and your options

Statutory demand – you might get a Statutory Demand if you owe over £5,000. Find out ways to pay a statutory demand or even challenge it, if you wish