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Debt videos

Find out about PayPlan’s free debt solutions from our very own Debt Case Officers. Our debt videos will help explain your journey to becoming debt free with PayPlan’s support and experience.

How long can my creditors chase me?

Jane Clack, our money advice consultant explains how long creditors can chase you for a debt.

What is a DMP?

Jane Clack, our money advice consultant explains what a Debt Management Plan (DMP) is.


Payplan Client Interview: Cameron

See how PayPlan helped Cameron manage his debt problems and put him on the path to being debt free.

Payplan Client Interview: Denise

See how PayPlan helped Denise manage her debt problems and put her on the path to being debt free.

What to do if debt management company is closing down?

If you debt management company is closing down and you’re unsure where to turn, this video will explain everything you need to know.