Many people prefer to self-manage their needs as a neurodivergent adult, but there may be moments when extra support and knowledge is needed.  

To raise awareness, we’re working to address how neurodivergent individuals – those with conditions such as ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, and others – can be supported across different aspects of everyday life.

Stigma and misunderstanding

A common occurrence is misunderstanding the conditions, leading to negative stereotypes and discrimination. For example, people with autism may be labelled as antisocial if they prefer to stay out of crowded situations, resulting in isolation and low self-esteem.

Challenges in employment

Many workplaces have started implementing procedures to help their neurodivergent employees; however, many companies have little to no understanding or no practices in place.

Neurodivergent individuals may find it more difficult to progress due to their behavioural styles or communication, meaning they may struggle in the office environment if adjustments are not made. Unless managers and team members are aware, they may not understand or be empathetic to an individual’s needs.

Healthcare barriers

In a medical setting, the caregiver may not have the training or understanding to care for neurodivergent individuals. This leads to a lack of support for their conditions and the inability to receive the correct treatment.

Challenges in the community

In everyday life, there can be communication barriers in settings such as shops, parks or restaurants where people may need to talk to ask for what they need or want.

They could be nonverbal or find it hard to communicate what they want to say. Some situations may cause overstimulation, such as noisy restaurants, where there may be a lack of understanding of how someone needs help to deal with that situation.

How can we help?

We pride ourselves on being inclusive and supportive of all our clients. To help our clients, we have introduced these practices:

Vulnerability support

Our advisors are trained to spot vulnerabilities, offer clients the advice they need, and signpost them to organisations if necessary. We work with a wider support network and have regular training to keep all our practices up to date.

Plain Numbers

Many of our team members are plain numbers accredited. This ensures that we communicate numbers and the words around them clearly. This is vitally important for any documents we send out or information on our website.

Coloured Paper

All our paperwork can be sent out on coloured paper, reducing the contrast between the text and the white background and making it easier for those with dyslexia to distinguish words.

The contrast between black ink and white paper can be quite visually overwhelming, so if it is on a different-coloured background, this can reduce the visual stress of someone reading our paperwork.

Different communication methods

We understand that not everyone communicates similarly; this is why we offer many ways to receive debt advice. Clients can reach us via phone, email, live chat or WhatsApp at a time that suits them with no pressure.


All webpages meet the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standard, ensuring that our web content is more accessible to people with disabilities.

Get in touch

If you’re struggling to repay debts and feel like you need some support, you can call us for free on 0800 316 1833 – we’re open from 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am – 3pm on Saturdays.

Or, you can visit our website to chat with us via live chat or for more information.