What are the alternatives to a debt management plan?
A debt management plan, or a DMP, is only one solution available if you are struggling to maintain payments to your creditors. At Payplan we understand that a DMP may not be suitable for everyone and we therefore provide all…
Change in Circumstances with an IVA or DMP
For many of you that are in debt, you may find yourself managing your finances on a tight-rope, with one small change in circumstances having a dramatic knock-on effect. When the change is big, the sustainability of your carefully constructed…
Top five questions about bankruptcy.
Bankruptcy is a form of insolvency and it is often referred to as a ‘last resort’ because of the long term affect it can have. Looking for a suitable solution for your debts can be a daunting experience and many…
How do I deal with HMRC debts?
Every individual in the UK must pay Income Tax if their income exceeds a certain amount, however the way this is paid varies depending on their working status. If you are employed then you will pay yours directly through your…
Payplan wins new tender to provide debt advice in Northern Ireland
Payplan, one of the UK's largest providers of free debt solutions, has been awarded a contract to provide free debt advice in Northern Ireland as part of a consortium with Advice Northern Ireland (Advice NI).
What to do if you are self-employed and struggling to make ends meet
The truth behind the top 20 debt myths
In the 21st Century it is easy to use the internet to get answers to important debt questions. However, it is also easy to come across incorrect information which can have dangerous consequences.
How do I… get out of debt and stay out of debt?
Getting into debt can be easy, one thing leads to another or something unexpected occurs and things spiral out of control. Before you know it, you are no longer able to afford all of your creditor commitments. Getting out of…