How People Are Trapped By Payday Loans
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We recently conducted a survey about borrowing over the last 12months. Below is an infographic to highlight the growing number of people that are turning to payday loans.
This article was checked and deemed to be correct as at the above publication date, but please be aware that some things may have changed between then and now. So please don't rely on any of this information as a statement of fact, especially if the article was published some time ago.
Comments 1
Duncan Andrew
Another “survey” which makes a lot of noise and, importantly, gets media attention for those putting it out, but not really decent research is it? Poll of 707 people, not it appears, carried out under Market Research Society rules and no indication as to how representative the sample is. So if they are all people in debt using Payplan services, no wonder the results are so skewed! Do some proper research with those hundreds of thousands of people who actually like payday loans and use them to their advantage.
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