Welcome to PayPlan’s debt advice blog!
Our blog covers the latest news at PayPlan, tips to help you save money, our latest press releases, expert insight and everything in between.
Our blog covers the latest news at PayPlan, tips to help you save money, our latest press releases, expert insight and everything in between.
If you have found yourself in debt and are struggling to pay back the money you owe to your creditors, you may be approached by a debt collection agency. The agency will work on behalf of your creditor to try…
As part of 2019 Mental Health Awareness Week, we want to share a story about one of our clients who found themselves in financial difficulty and the effect it has had on their life. Christina Burns is a mother of…
Bankruptcy is a debt solution that should never be taken lightly, and should only be undertaken following professional advice. However, sometimes it can be taken out of your control. We’re here to tell you what it is and how you…
The number of people stuck with paying off credit card debt is rising. A recent study found that each UK household has around £2,688 in unpaid credit card debt. There may be a number of causes behind the UK’s credit…
What is a DMP? A Debt Management Plan, or DMP for short, is an informal arrangement between you and your creditors. Although not a legally binding agreement, firms who set up Debt Management Plans need to be authorised and regulated…
Pension credit is changing as of May 15th 2019 Are you living with a partner? Is one of you aged over 65 and the other under 65? If so, then there could be some big changes happening with any new…
Debt collection agencies work on behalf of creditors to collect a debt you’ve been unable to pay. As part of their attempts to make you pay, they may threaten court action. They have the power to do this, although only…
If you have been forced into bankruptcy or have decided/been advised it is the best course of action for you, it’s important to know the ins and outs of what to expect. What is bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is a debt solution…
Bankruptcy can have a huge impact on an individual and it’s understandable that someone may not wish to advertise their financial situation to the world. However, once somebody is declared bankrupt, their details are legally required to be available for…
If you are currently in an IVA, you will have been (and possibly still are) in financial difficulty and have sought a debt solution to help relieve your worries. Therefore, you should think carefully before seeking to cancel your arrangement.…
Hi Diane, can you briefly explain what it is you and the Debt Relief Order team do here at PayPlan?My role is the Competent Authority Liaison, which means I’m the link between PayPlan and the Insolvency Service. I’m also an…
The January blues have subsided and the sun is coming out. The temptation to loosen the belt and relax your spending habits is undeniable. Here at PayPlan we’ve put together a list of financial top tips for creating and staying…
With food bank use still rife across the UK and a considerable amount of in-work families still needing to use food banks, the controversy over Universal Credit rages on. In order to make sense of how well Universal Credit is…
Feeling blue after getting into the red over the festive period? Fear not, there are lots of things you can do about problem credit card debt to get you back on the path to financial freedom in 2019.Assess your situationThe…
What is Big Energy Saving Week?Big Energy Saving Week (BESW) is a national partnership campaign aimed at helping people to understand their energy use and get cheaper energy bills. BESW offers helpful links to compare energy bills, as well as…
Blue Monday is an annually-changing date in January that is widely recognised in the UK as being the most miserable day of the year. The day was devised in 2005 and is based on pseudoscientific factors – beliefs, not accurate…
A survey from Experian found that the average Briton spends over 0 on alcohol, food and drink for Christmas. This total includes an average £53 spend on topping up the drinks cabinet at home! Dry January may be just the…