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Welcome to PayPlan’s debt advice blog!

Our blog covers the latest news at PayPlan, tips to help you save money, our latest press releases, expert insight and everything in between.

Debt Facts 5 Aug 2019

Can An IVA Take My Pension?

If you’re currently in an IVA and are over 55, you may be able to use your pension to pay off your debts. It’s unlikely that your pension will be explicitly taken and put into your IVA, but it’s worth…

Money Management 5 Aug 2019

Is Your Money Covered by a Bank?

Indeed, we all want to make sure our money is safe in the bank. Luckily, there are various savings protection schemes in place which serve to make sure your cash is covered by a bank. Will these schemes affect me?…

Debt Facts 24 Jul 2019

Can a Debt Management Plan Take My Pension?

What is a DMP? A Debt Management Plan (DMP for short), is a way for you to pay back your unsecured debt in manageable instalments. DMPs are one of the most common debt solutions in the UK, and are authorised…

Competitions 24 Jul 2019

PayPlan nominated for SHOMO award

We’re proud to announce that we’ve recently been nominated for the Best Brand, Charity or Money Blog Award at the 2019 UK Money Bloggers’ annual awards ceremony, the SHOMO awards. Sponsored by QuidCo, the awards are a chance for some…

Living in Debt 23 Jul 2019

When to Consider a Debt Management Plan

When you’re in debt it can be difficult to know what to do next. Trying to sort out payments to different lenders, juggling calls from multiple creditors asking for money, trying to sort your priority debts from those that can…

Debt Facts 22 Jul 2019

Will An IVA Affect My Citizenship?

Why would an IVA affect my citizenship? When applying for British citizenship, why would an IVA affect my citizenship? Well, upon applying, the government will assess whether or not you have ‘good character’. This is their measure of deciding if…

News and Stories 18 Jul 2019

Sub-prime credit cards: are they worth the risk?

Trying to get credit when you’re in debt, or have a poor credit score, can be incredibly frustrating.  It might be the case that you’ve got a less-than-ideal credit score due to a County Court Judgment a few years ago,…

Client News 18 Jul 2019

What is Phone Spoofing and How Can You Spot the Warning Signs?

What is phone spoofing? Phone spoofing, also known as Caller ID spoofing, is a modern and (sadly) common occurrence. This is where a fraudulent caller will assume the role of another person or company, then call a related person to…

Debt Facts 11 Jul 2019

What is a CCJ?

A County Court Judgement (CCJ) is a court order that can be awarded against you if you live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland. The purpose of a CCJ is to get you to repay money that you owe. Will…

Living in Debt 8 Jul 2019

How do I set up online banking?

Online banking Gone are the days where popping into your local bank was the only way to pay your bills, manage debt, or withdraw and deposit money into your account. Online banking has brought convenience to everyday life, and although…

News and Stories 5 Jul 2019

Don’t be fooled by fake websites!

Are you worried about fake websites? We know that there’s no shortage of debt advice companies in the UK. Some, like us, offer free advice and free debt management plans, whilst others offer free advice but charge both a set-up…

Debt Facts 1 Jul 2019

How successful are IVAs?

What is an IVA? An IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) is a debt solution whereby you pay back your unsecured debts to your creditors in monthly repayments usually over a 5 to 6 year period. If your IVA successfully completes, the…

Debt Facts 1 Jul 2019

How are IVA payments worked out?

What is an IVA? An IVA is usually a 5 to 6-year debt solution designed to help you write off the majority of your unsecured debts through regular monthly repayments. You will work with a debt advice provider (such as…

Living in Debt 1 Jul 2019

Can an IVA take my inheritance?

What is an IVA? An Individual Voluntary Arrangement, or IVA for short, is a debt solution whereby you pay all of your unsecured creditors back in monthly payments usually over a period of 5 or 6 years. Once the agreement…

Money Management 25 Jun 2019

Tax credit overpayments

Receiving a letter from HMRC saying that you’ve received tax credit overpayments can be incredibly frustrating; not only because you won’t have been expecting it, but because you’ve now got to give back a chunk of money that HMRC gave…

Money Management 18 Jun 2019

A Guide to Buying Goods on Finance

A guide to buying goods on finance Unfortunately, we don’t always have the money we need to make the purchases we want. This is where finance agreements come in. Buying goods on finance can give you access to products you…

Money Saving Ideas 18 Jun 2019

Get to Grips With Your Food Shop

GET TO GRIPS WITH YOUR FOOD SHOP The chances are, food shopping accounts for a large chunk of your household spending. Of course, everyone has to eat – but right now you might be shelling out much more than you…