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Welcome to PayPlan’s debt advice blog!

Our blog covers the latest news at PayPlan, tips to help you save money, our latest press releases, expert insight and everything in between.

Money Management 16 Jun 2020

How to tackle gambling in football today

After a long break due to coronavirus, competitive top-flight football in England is back on our screens. From Wednesday 17th June, there will be at least 8,280 minutes of Premier League football played across the remaining 92 games, and every…

News and Stories 10 Jun 2020

PayPlan’s support for tenants in financial difficulty

Rachel Duffey, CEO of PayPlan, blogs about the bespoke support on offer for Housing Associations. This unique service has been developed in partnership with Orbit Group, as part of their Better Days community investment programme.PayPlan has been providing free debt…

Industry News 22 May 2020

PayPlan responds to the FCA’s mortgage payment holiday announcement

In response to the FCA’s announced proposals to extend the scope of mortgage payment holidays, Rachel Duffey, CEO of PayPlan, commented:“The additional support being proposed for customers struggling with their mortgage payments is very welcome. We echo the FCA’s view that where…

Industry News 29 Apr 2020

PayPlan Nominated for Best Financial Support Provider

The team at PayPlan are delighted to share their nomination for Best Financial Support Provider at the 2020 Consumer Credit Awards.This award highlights all the hard work that goes in behind the scenes in helping people towards a debt free…

News and Stories 8 Apr 2020

PRESS RELEASE: PayPlan warns about future demand for debt advice

One of the UK’s free debt advice providers, PayPlan, has said it expects to see a huge surge in demand for debt advice when the current temporary relief being offered by lenders comes to an end.The FCA called for interest…

Industry News 8 Apr 2020

Warning issued over loan sharks during Covid-19 pandemic

People suffering financially due to the Covid-19 pandemic are being urged to avoid loan sharks who cause profound misery and stress to their victims. Loan sharks are unregulated, often give cash loans without any paperwork and charge extortionate interest rates.

Money Saving Ideas 7 Apr 2020

Top tips to cut costs during Coronavirus

To help you budget better in these uncertain times, we’ve compiled a handy list of the ways you could save on your everyday outgoings.Check out your subscriptionsWhether you’re a gym buff, a film fanatic or a sporting supremo, you may…

Living in Debt 26 Mar 2020

What should you do if you’re self-employed and in debt?

There are around 3.5 million sole traders in the UK and 2 million limited companies, according to the business advice website CompanyBug. If you’re self-employed are and finding things tough during the Coronavirus crisis, don’t be afraid to seek help.…

Industry News 26 Mar 2020

Can I still Get Debt Advice During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

The Prime Minister recently announced a UK lockdown, which means people are being told to stay home and certain businesses have had to close as a result. This has affected millions of people in varying degrees of employment. The Chancellor…

In other news 25 Mar 2020

Emergency employment available during the Coronavirus pandemic

The Coronavirus outbreak has led to an increasing number of people coming to us for money advice. Many have had their income affected in some way, with some having lost theirs altogether. If you’ve been affected by either redundancy or…

Money Management 24 Mar 2020

Coronavirus and fraud

It’s encouraging to see that the majority of our society is pulling together during this difficult time, listening to the scientific advice set out by the government and helping each other where we can. Unfortunately, there will always be a…

Money Management 13 Feb 2020

5 things to do if you’re in persistent debt

You might’ve heard the phrase ‘persistent debt’ in the news recently, and with good reason.In a move designed to help borrowers avoid paying large amounts of money in interest and charges, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has recently warned lenders…

Industry News 31 Jan 2020

Payday Loans: are there any alternatives?

The wrong way to use a payday loan Many people have a negative perception of payday loans and lenders, and this is largely due to the amount of horror stories that have emerged about them over the years. Most of…