How do I write a letter to freeze credit card interest?
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How do I write a letter to a credit card company to freeze interest?
Having interest and charges frozen on your credit cards can make a huge difference to the length of your repayment period. For many people a solution like an Individual Voluntary Arrangement or a Debt Management Plan will provide a solution to their financial problems. However for an increasing number of people, who have very little disposable income, such plans are unsustainable.
If you find yourself in a situation where your income no longer covers all of your usual outgoings and creditor repayments, you can negotiate with your credit card company and ask them to freeze interest charges. In order to do this you will need to write a letter to each of your credit card providers. The letter should contain the following:
- Your full name, address and account numbers so they can correctly identify you.
- A brief outline of your current situation – for example, if you have been made redundant, say so!
- A repayment offer backed up with a copy of your financial statement to illustrate the amount you can reasonably afford.
If you contact PayPlan and your assessment shows that you cannot do either a DMP or an IVA we will send you a Self Help Pack. This contains all you need to set up your own arrangement with creditors until your circumstances improve. A Self Help Pack provides a template letter that you can reproduce and send to your credit cards providers requesting they freeze interest, a budget planner, ways to increase your income, ways to cut down your expenditure and a guide to preparing your own financial statement.
Please note – while we do try to negotiate with your creditors for them to freeze all interest and charges, we cannot guarantee that we will be successful. Nor can we guarantee that your creditors will freeze interest and charges should you attempt this on your own.
Comments 102
Hi Annette,
Thank you for inquiry.
I have removed your contact details from your comment for security purposes.
I would ask that you contact our FREE helpline number ( 0800 716239) or visit our debt help page ( for more information.
Thank you,
Can you send me a self help pack please
I have sent one to the address you have supplied.
Could you please send me a self pack so I can ask HSBC to freez my credit card and loan as I am unemployed now.
Thank you
Hello Kinga,
Please contact our helpline number on 0800 316 1833 (Mobile calls may be cheaper on 0207 760 8980) or fill in our online form: and we will call you back.
pls i would like you 2 get in contact with me in regards if i could put a freez on all my cedit cards if some one can call me on xxxxx
Unfortunately your telephone number has come up as restricted and it is not a usual telephone number for the UK. I am sorry we are not able to help this way but you can write to the creditors at the address on the statements explaining why you are unable to make the full payments, providing a copy of your income and expenditure and asking them to freeze interest and charges for a period to let you get back on your feet. The creditor is not obliged to do this but may as a gesture of goodwill.
If you need more advice then contact Payplan on 0800 2802816 where a trained adviser will be able to give you tailored advice. I have removed the telephone number you supplied for obvious reasons
Hello , I’m melissa
Please I would like to freeze my interest.
Could you send me please send me I self pack?
I have emailed you a copy of our informal arrangements guide which shows you how to write to creditors. They do not have to freeze interest but you can show them that you are not in a position to repay the debt at the contractual rate and as you cannot do this if they do not freeze interest it will never be repaid. This is going to affect your credit rating.
Hello , please I would like to freeze my interest i do t know what I have to do . Thanks
Could you please send me a self pack so I can ask HSBC to freeze my credit card Interest as i am on ESA an have limited Funds.
Thank you
I have sent you an email with the booklet attached.
It explains how to contact creditors. Please remember you can ask them to freeze interest and charges and they should treat you fairly but it is up to them if they do. If you are banking with HSBC we would also suggest you open a new basic bank account so the bank does not exercise its right to offset. This means they can take money from an account you have with them to pay another account with them that you owe money too.
I hope this is of help.
Could you please send me a self pack so I can ask HSBC to freeze my credit card Interest
Thank you for your help
No sooner seen than done 🙂
Please can I have a self help pack? Thanks
One has been sent to the email address you have supplied.
Hi,can you please send me self information pack /informal arrangement leaflets,as I would like to ask to freeze interest in loans and credit cards as im put of eork at the moment
Many thanks
I have emailed one to you.
Please can I have a self help pack? Thanks
I have emailed one today to the address you have supplied.
Hi can you please send me a self help pack as I want to try and freeze interest on my credit cards, as I am now out of work many thanks
I have sent the repayments arrangement guide you have requested to the email address you supplied.
Please could you send me a self help pack to try and freeze my charges on my credit card with Vanquished please I have recently started getting ESA with not very much funds
I have emailed you one at the address you have supplied.
Can I have a self help pack please?
Many thanks
I have sent one to the email address you have supplied.
Good afternoon,
could you send me a sample letter or info in regards to this article. thanks
Please can you email me a help pack.
Many thanks
Have done so!
Hi could you please send me a self pack would like to try and freeze my credit card interest thanks
I have sent one to the email address you have supplied.
Please could you send me a self help pack. Thank you
I have sent one to the email address you have supplied.
hello, can i have the self pack as well, please? many thanks
I have sent one to the address you supplied.
I would like to freeze my overdraft fees and charges at Lloyds Bank as I’ve been struggling to repay any amount because of the radical change in overdraft fees since November. Can you send me the self help pack?
Kind regards
I have sent a copy of our repayment guide to the email address you supplied. If you have more than the overdraft you are struggling to pay you might find it useful to get in touch with Payplan who will be able to offer free, confidential and no obligation debt advice.
Could I have a self help pack please? I have overdrafts with Santander and also Barclaycard credit card.
I shall send one to the email address you have supplied. If you want to be in control of your money you should think about opening a bank account somewhere you have no debt as an overdraft is repayable on demand. If you want to give Payplan a ring a trained adviser will be able to help.
Please can you send me a self-help pack?
Hello – I have emailed this to the address you supplied. I hope you find it of use.
I wish to negotiate with my credit card companies as suddenly I lost my mum and the whole funeral expenses landed on me. I work, but I won’t be able to pay parallel both together (had to borrow from someone to pay funeral and I need to pay it back before September -so this is priority now) I am wandering if the bank can give me a repayment break at least forth next 6 months.
I am not sure you re able to advise on this case, but I would appreciate it.
You need to write to them and explain the circumstances of the unexpected bill that has come your way and that you would like to make reduced/token payments until this bill has been paid. Creditors are supposed to treat you fairly so if you explain the circumstances and that you will be able to resume full payments in Sptember, they should be willing to help. I am sending our repayment arrangement guide to the email address you have supplied.
Please can you send me a self help pack.
I have sent this and a useful Moneywise booklet to the email address you have supplied.
Could you send me a self help pack please?
Hello – I have sent this to the email address you supplied. If you have multiple creditors you could contact Payplan on the number at the top of the page where you can receive more free advice.
Hi can you please send me a self help pack as I want to try and freeze interest on my credit cards.
I have done so – sorry I have only just seen this notification.
Hi, can you send me details of how to freeze interest payments on credit cards?
I have sent you a copy of our useful repayment arrangement guide for making reduced payments to your creditors. You can ask them to freeze interest and charges – and should – but there is no guarantee they will do this. Supporting evidence to show you can afford to pay them no more is always useful.
please could you send me self help pack.
thank you
Yes, I have sent the repayment arrangement guide to the email address you have provided.
Dear Sir/Madam, I need to contact my credit card companies, to ask if they would give a goodwill gesture to freeze my interest rates of 39%apr, for at least 24 months, please can you send me your booklet with template letters for the above, or I may have to use an IVA template letter.
I cannot afford to pay all this interest anymore, as I have been refused one of my disability benefits,(PIP) Personal independence payment.
I have emailed you our booklet which should help with this but remember they do not have to freeze interest and charges – you could explain that you have had one of your disability benefits removed.
Please can I have a self help pack please. Thank you
I have emailed one to the address you have supplied. If you need further advice please contact us on 0800 2802816 where one of our trained advisers will be happy to help.
hello, can i have the self pack as well, please? many thanks
of course. I have sent one to the email address you have supplied. If you need more information contact us on our Freephone number 0800 2802816 – this is free to mobiles also.
Hi, could I have the self pack too??Thank yo very much in advance
No problem, I shall email one to the address you have supplied.
My credit card company has suddenly doubled the minimum payment due to government policy and perpetual debt?? Way to help! was £130 a month is now £231
I need advice on contacting them to freeze interest and the card and hopefully also get a reduced amount agreed please
They should not have doubled the payment but suggested you increase to repay more quickly as per government guidelines. I have had the same. If you are having problems making the full payments to your debts then do give us a call on 0800 316 1833 where one of our trained advisers will be able to give you more advice. I have emailed our repayment arrangement guide to the address you have supplied which tells you how to put together a budget and suggested payments to all of your unsecured creditors.
I had had the same happen as nigel above ! a huge increase in the minimum payment to clear balance quicker but its crippling me ! No suggestion they just upped the minimum amount !
As I said previously, they cannot suddenly demand you pay more but are encouraging you to repay more to reduce the repayment period as only just covering the minimum payment – as I know to my cost – means it takes much longer to repay. This is why the Financial Conduct Authority has let creditors know they do not want to encourage people to stay in what they call “persistent debt”. If you cannot pay more, you cannot and in this situation it is a sign that you are dependent on the credit so you should think about stopping the use of the card and trying to get it down to a more manageable level so that you are paying off more of the capital so the interest reduces.
Please can you send me a pack
I am assuming you mean a repayment arrangement guide and so I shall send one to the email address you have supplied.
Exactly what I am trying to do- get the payments down. Can you send me a repayment pack soni can have a look out of interest ? Thanks
I have emailed you a self help pack as you requested.
Please send me a help pack as well. I’d love to know how to get my CC interest frozen. Thanks
Hello – I have sent a copy of informal arrangements pack for the UK via email to you. You can ask for interest to be frozen but this cannot be guaranteed. I hope this helps.
Hello please could you send me a self help pack to hopefully freeze my interest in my credit card, thank you
I have sent a copy of our informal arrangements guide to the email address you have supplied. I hope it is of help.
Hi, could you send me a help self pack to freeze my interests on my 3 credit cards. It’s really too much. I am only repaying minimum payments and accually only repaying that intetests not a real debt! All together is 10000 🙁
I have sent one to the address you have supplied. This is correct for England and Wales. However, if you can afford the minimum monthly payments they will not freeze interest and charges as they only tend to do this when people cannot afford to make the full payments when it will affect your credit rating. If you can afford the minimum monthly payment we would always advise paying more to those creditors charging the higher rates of interest after paying all your priority debts. If you ring the Freephone number on this site our trained advisers will be able to offer more detailed free, confidential and no obligation advice.
Can you email me a pack please
I am assuming you mean our informal arrangements guide which I am emailing to the address you have supplied.
Please could you send me an informal arrangements guide/repayments pack.
Do you know if CC companies can lower interest charges, rather than freezing them, and it NOT affect your credit rating as I will need to remortgage quite soon?
I shall send you an informal arrangements guide to the email address you have supplied.
I have not heard of credit card companies reducing interest rates without legal action such as time orders. If you are no longer going to use the cards they often let you continue to pay the old rate if and when the increase rates. Paying more than the minimum payments reduces the balance and interest more quickly and does not affect your credit rating.
Please could you send me an informal arrangements pack
I have sent one to the email address you have supplied.
Hi. Could you please send me a pack on how to ask my CC companies to freeze the interest on my cards so i can pay them off. I am managing to cover the minimums each month, but it is leaving me with no money for myself or family. Currently having to live off just my wife’s wage which we are struggling with. I have managed to get myself in an eye watering amount of debt, mainly due to paying legal fees to obtain a contact order for my son from a previous relationship. Each month i pay the minimum, but then use the card again to pay for monthly essentials, meaning currently they are no reducing. I want to pay them off. Any help would be fantastic. Thank you in advance.
I shall email you our guide to making reduced payments to your creditors but remember no-one can guarantee they will freeze interest and charges if you are making the full payments. If you want to reduce payments and no longer use the cards then certainly this would be considered as creditors are encouraged to treat customers fairly by the Financial Conduct Authority but they have to know you are in difficulties. If you have any further problems after using the booklet then do contact us via or the telephone number above where a trained adviser can give you further help and advice. I shall send the booklet to the email on your next question.
Hi, sorry, the email i gave to you no longer exists. Please supply the information requested to the new email i have provided. Thanks
I have sent the repayment arrangement guide to this email address.
Hello, I am In he same situation as many of the people here. Could put please send me a self help guide as well please. Thanks alot
I have sent our useful guide to the email address you have supplied.
I have emailed our useful guide to the email address you have supplied
Hi, Please send me also the self help pack?
Got the same problem with the others here.
I have sent the Useful Guide we provide to the email address you have provided.
Thankfully I’m not unemployed but my debts have gotten to the point where I’m starting to struggle. Please could you send me the self help pack?
Of course. I’ll send you our repayment arrangement guide to the email address you have supplied. I should say we are in the process of rewriting this.
Please could you send me the self help pack.
Many thanks
I have sent Our useful Guide to the email address you have supplied. We are in the process of rewriting it.
Please send me a self help pack . Many thanks
I have sent Our useful Guide to the email address you have supplied.
Please can you send me a self help pack my email is
I sent one to the email address you supplied. Hope it was of help
Please send me the self help pack. Thank you
Hello – I sent one to the email address you supplied, and hope it was of help
Please could i have the repayment arrangement guide emailed to me?
Thank you,
Hello I sent one to the email address you supplied. Hope it was of help
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