For many individuals, gambling can be harmless fun, especially during high-profile events such as the Euros, but for many, gambling can cause utter devastation. Gambling addiction can lead to job losses, relationship and family issues, breakdowns and even suicide.

How to spot if you or someone else is suffering from gambling harm

If you find yourself being preoccupied with your day focusing on betting or you’re escaping away from situations to place a bet and hiding it from your friends and family, you may need some help, especially if you are chasing losses and heading into a situation of financial distress.

Others around you who may be suffering from gambling harm may be withdrawn, not sleeping as well as usual and struggling with their moods. There may be signs of financial strain, and money may go missing with no explanation; they may also lie about their situation if you ask them to avoid embarrassment.

Tips to help you get your gambling under control

  • You can access website and phone blocking software such as Gamban and BetBlocker to block access to gambling websites and stop you from receiving marketing messages about gambling. 
  • You can contact gambling businesses to ask to exclude you from messages and app notifications. On your online accounts you can also set daily limits to restrict your activity.
  • You can block gambling transactions through your bank, contact your banking provider for further information.
  • You can access a range of self-help resources from National Gambling Support Network. If you find you need additional help, you can contact them directly for support.
  • Talk to someone; a problem shared is a problem halved, and you may find the people around you can offer help and guidance to support you on your journey to reduce your gambling.

What to do if you’re struggling financially because of gambling

  • Take a look at your spending and complete a budget to see an overview of your finances.
  • If you can’t take a break from gambling, you can control your gambling spend by setting limits on your account and setting time restraints to keep your activity under control.
  • Check to see if you’re entitled to any benefits to bring in some further income using our benefits calculator.
  • Reach out for free debt advice.

Get in touch

If you or someone you know is affected by any of the issues raised in this article you can contact GamCare on 0808 8020 133 (available 24/7) or visit If you’re experiencing debt as a result of gambling they will refer you to one of our experienced advisers to help you get your finances back on track. You can find out more by visiting