What to do if you fall into arrears with your… utility bills.
In these tough economic times, families are finding it increasingly difficult to keep on top of their monthly outgoings. According to statistics on IncomeMax 4.75million households in the UK are living in fuel poverty. With this many people in poverty,…
Credit Rating Myths
Credit ratings and reports are complete minefields with so much incorrect information available. Whether you are looking to take out credit or trying to repay debts it is important you understand your credit report and how it works.
Can I reclaim PPI whilst in a Debt Management Plan?
A question that regularly crops up from our clients is "can I reclaim mis-sold PPI?" The answer is quite simply, yes. Being in a DMP does not make the reclaiming process any more complicated, as opposed to those that are…
The truth behind the top 20 debt myths
In the 21st Century it is easy to use the internet to get answers to important debt questions. However, it is also easy to come across incorrect information which can have dangerous consequences.
What should I do about my council tax arrears?
In recent years at Payplan we have seen a rise in the number of clients coming to us owing council tax arrears. This is often due to a number of factors, including a drop in income or an unforeseen increase…
Can I go on holiday once in a Debt Management plan?
How do I…fill out court forms for a County Court Judgement?
When you receive notification that a creditor is pursuing legal action against you it can be a stressful time. There is a short response period and it is important that all of the paperwork is filled out correctly.
Disabled people and debt
"We are struggling financially and finding it very hard to cope. I am at my wits end [trying] to find a way out of the debts." This quote from a disabled mother of a disabled child will resonate with many…
Can I change my DMP company?
People call us for several reasons: it may be that they realise they can no longer afford to manage their debt, they know their situation is about to change so they are planning ahead, or they simply decide that they…