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Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy

Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy

A) Statement of Policy

1. Totemic Limited (PayPlan) recognises that we live in a society where discrimination still operates to the disadvantage of many groups in society.

2. PayPlan believes that all persons should have equal rights to recognition of their human dignity, and to have equal opportunities to be educated, to work, receive services and to participate in society.

3. PayPlan is dedicated to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture amongst the whole workforce. It is within our best interests to promote diversity and eliminate discrimination in the workplace. PayPlan are committed to the promotion of equal opportunities, through the way we manage the organisation and provide services to the community. In order to express this commitment, we develop, promote and maintain policies that will be conductive to the principles of fairness and equality in the workplace.

4. The objective of this policy is that no one should suffer inappropriate, less favourable or unfair treatment or discrimination due to their gender, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, colour, nationality, national origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, health status, HIV status, disability, age, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, political beliefs, trade union membership, class, responsibility for dependents, physical attributes, ex-offender status as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, we are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.

5. This policy will influence and affect every aspect of activities carried out at PayPlan i.e. promotional work, advice provided and service delivered or any other functions as determined by the Board. Our aim is to ensure that all employees and job applicants are given equal opportunity and that our organisation is representative of all sections of society. Each employee will be respected and valued and able to give their best as a result.

6. In the provision of services and the employment of staff, PayPlan is committed to promoting equal opportunities for everyone. Throughout its activities, PayPlan will treat all people equally whether they are:
  • Seeking or using our services.
  • Applying for a job or already employed by us.
  • Trainee workers and students on work experience or placements.

All employees, no matter whether they are part-time, full-time or temporary, will be treated fairly and with respect. PayPlan selects candidates for employment, promotion, training or any other benefit, on the basis of their aptitude and ability.

All employees will be given help and encouragement to develop their full potential and utilise their unique talents. Therefore, the skills and resources or our organisation will be fully utilised and we will maximise the efficiency of our whole workforce.

PayPlan are committed:

  • To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all team members are recognised and valued
  • To create a working environment that promotes dignity and respect for every employee.
  • To not tolerate any form of intimidation, bullying, or harassment, and discipline those that breach this policy.
  • To make training, development, and progression opportunities available to all staff.
  • To promote equality in the workplace, which PayPlan believes is good management practice and makes good business sense
  • To encourage anyone who feels they have been subject to discrimination to raise their concerns so we can apply corrective measures
  • To encourage employees to treat everyone with dignity and respect

B) How the policy will be implemented and who is responsible?

The Board has specific responsibility for the effective implementation of this policy. Each head of department also has responsibilities and we expect all our employees to abide by the policy and help create the equality environment which is its objective.

In order to implement this policy we shall:

  • Inform all employees and job applicants that an Equality and Diversity policy is in operation and that they are obligated to comply with its requirements and promote fairness in the workplace. The policy will also be drawn to the attention of stakeholders, customers and job applicants.
  • The policy is fully supported by senior management.
  • Incorporate specific and appropriate duties in respect of implementing the equal opportunities policy into job descriptions and work objectives of all staff.
  • Ensure that those who are involved in assessing candidates for recruitment or promotion will be trained in nondiscriminatory selection techniques.
  • Incorporate an equal opportunity notice onto our website.
This policy will be regularly reviewed and all our employment practices and procedures so that fairness is maintained at all times.

This policy will be monitored and reviewed regularly to ensure that equality and diversity is continually promoted in the workplace.

C) Conduct and general standards of behaviour

All staff are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and considerate manner at all times. PayPlan will not tolerate behaviour such as:

  • making threats
  • physical violence
  • shouting
  • swearing at others
  • persistent rudeness
  • isolating, ignoring or refusing to work with certain people
  • telling offensive jokes or name calling
  • displaying offensive material such as pornography or sexist / racist cartoons, or the distribution of such material via email / text message or any other format.
  • any other forms of harassment or victimisation.
The items on the above list of unacceptable behaviours are considered to be disciplinary offences within PayPlan and can lead to disciplinary action being taken.

D) Complaints of discrimination

PayPlan will treat seriously all complaints of unlawful discrimination on any forbidden grounds made by employees, partners, clients or other third parties and will take action where appropriate. All complaints will be investigated in accordance with the organisation’s grievance, complaints or disciplinary procedure, as appropriate and the complainant will be informed of the outcome in line with these procedures. We will also monitor the number and outcomes of complaints of discrimination made by staff, volunteers, clients and other third parties.

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